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  • Dr Agus Kadir - Specialist In Shoulder, Elbow & Hand


  • Dr Agus Kadir - Specialist In Shoulder, Elbow & Hand


  • Dr Agus Kadir - Specialist In Shoulder, Elbow & Hand


  • Dr Agus Kadir - Specialist In Shoulder, Elbow & Hand


Watchful Waiting

Many upper limb conditions can be treated without surgery. Non operative management is always preferred as the first step in treatment. Non surgical treatment options includes physiotherapy, hand therapy, supportive splinting and medications such as non steroidal anti inflammatory tablets and cortisone injection. Non Surgical treatment is part of Watchful Waiting approach.

Watchful Waiting is sometimes necessary in managing a very complex presentation. Some conditions present with initial vague, non specific symptoms that become more obvious as times flows. As the pathology become more obvious, doctors can target the treatment better and achieve the desired result.

  • SouthWest Sydney Orthopaedics
  • Australian Medical Association
  • Royal Australasian College of Surgeons: RACS
  • Australian Orthopaedic Association